Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

I will work to get our Pennsylvania economy back on track, create new jobs, and fight for the middle class. During Gov. Corbett's time in office, Northeastern PA has consistently had the highest unemployment rate in the state.

As your legislator, I will work to change that by:

Supporting job training that will give workers the skills they need to return to the workforce.

Increasing training specifically for new business owners in accounting, marketing, and other relevant business skills.

Helping expand lending to businesses that are just starting out. By increasing access to startup capital, more Pennsylvanians would be able to pursue their dream of owning their own business.

Ending tax loopholes that let larger corporations hide profits overseas or out of state. Loopholes allow corporations to use Pennsylvania services while paying nothing in return. This creates a disadvantage for those businesses that actually do pay taxes here in PA.

Support labor rights to ensure a strong base of ready employees.
